As the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) continues to expand, the demand for key, first appearance comic books has grown. Between 1961-1965, Marvel introduced new characters and teams that would leave an indelible mark in the comic book world. At Memorabilia Brokers, we are actively looking to purchase key first appearance comic books, including but not […]
Category Archives: Comics
One of the most beloved superheroes in comic history, Captain America’s first appearance is still a legendary find for any collector.
With the release of Marvel Studios: Loki on Disney+, Thor’s arch-nemesis has once again taken center stage in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Loki’s roots in Marvel dig deep, and his first comic appearance for the “Marvel Age” was in Journey Into Mystery #85 (October 1962) – a comic book that we at Memorabilia Brokers are […]
As people were forced to adapt to the ever-changing atmosphere of the COVID-19 pandemic, the sport card collection hobby saw a tremendous boom in demand and value, with some attributing this boom to collectors’ desire to have something nostalgic to accompany their investment. Third-party authenticators saw unprecedented demand for raw cards to be slabbed, and […]